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Friday, September 23, 2022

This brown bug will make destroy your yard, take action if you see it

 This brown bug will make destroy your yard, take action if you see it

Backyards are usually our little pieces of heaven, however, if we don’t pay enough attention they can be destroyed quite easily. Something very small can be the cause of that, a brown bug also known as the stink bug. Despite the fact that it looks like a harmless insect, it can do more harm than you can imagine to your garden.

Its identity

Insects are usually quite tiny and hard to identify many times. The stink bug is no exception, a tiny insect, brown in color and a round body. This little critter has 6 legs, and another very important feature is the bug’s back, that reminds you of an old shield.

 The grown bug

The biggest problem with this one may be the fact that he’s quite tiny, we are talking 0.7 inches tiny. For that reason it can be quite difficult at times to even see it. They can destroy your plants without you even noticing it. To make matters worse, the stink bugs can also fly, so that will make everything even more difficult.

The biggest problem with this one may be the fact that he’s quite tiny, we are talking 0.7 inches tiny. For that reason it can be quite difficult at times to even see it. They can destroy your plants without you even noticing it. To make matters worse, the stink bugs can also fly, so that will make everything even more difficult.

The stink bug isn’t a bug that is satisfied with just ruining your backyard, they will infest even your house. Every tiny hole in your windows or cracks in your walls can be a potential entrance for them. We are certain that no one wants them as guests in their house.

Brown stink bug

You may think that this name is just a joke, but we are quite serious, the brown stink bug is also known as Morphological halys. It doesn’t have the best name for sure. Taking into consideration the trouble that they are able to cause, we’re quite certain that this name pales in comparison from the ones they’ve heard from owners and gardeners.

Country of origin

It’s quite an interesting fact to know that this bug has made its presence known in the Western world quite late. They originate from Asia, in countries such as Korea, Taiwan, China, and Japan. However, now they are rapidly moving into different parts of the world.

They invade everything

As we explained earlier, they are quite invasive as species and that is what they have been doing for quite some time. The question is how did they actually spread in so many countries? One expert thinks that he may have the answer to that. Max Barclay, the head of Cooperate collection which is located at the National History Museum.

A fancy ride

Barclay gave an interview a while back for The Guardian in which he stated that the annoying little critters probably may have come via overseas shipments. It’s quite fascinating to think that a ship may have been responsible for introducing us to this unwanted pest. In addition to that, it is important to mention that they didn’t just hide there for fun, there may be a more logical answer to that.

The process of hibernation

In the interview by Barclay he further stated that they are inactive when the temperatures drop so they try to find a place where they can hide until the weather starts to warm up again. The process is called “diapason” and it is basically hibernation but for bugs. A cargo ship doesn’t seem like a bad place to wait out.

No cold temperatures

Since they run away from colder temperatures it is only logical to know that they prefer warmer temperatures and they will continue to increase in number as the years go by. Seeing how the temperatures are rising in general every year, that is not a surprise.

A paradise for them?

Back in 2020, specialists shared a research they had made regarding the environment that Switzerland could offer in the next century for the stink bug, and the results came less than pleasing for the people living there. It seems that the tiny European country is a perfect spot for them, and as we have seen, they are already spreading out everywhere.

An expert’s opinion

Dr. Tim Haye took part in a research for CABI (Centre for Agriculture and Biosciences International). He shared some fascinating findings regarding this annoying little bug. The findings were shared in CABI’s website in sept. 2020.

Affected by climate change

Dr. Haye said that climate change is already having a huge impacting in the way many species are behaving and it is also modifying them. Besides that, their life cycle and reproduction are also affected. Since these changes aren’t limited only to one country, it will also affect the Central-European of Switzerland as well. It seems that Swiss citizens have to be on the lookout for this little bug.

Keeping an eye on the spread

Dr. Haye continued by saying that the range expansion could reach Alps’ foothills. Even higher latitudes of the country could become one day hospitable to the stink bug taking into consideration how the climate change patterns are unfolding. Seeing this, people of Switzerland will surely start to prepare in the future of what may happen once this critter makes its presence known in the country.

Reasons to be concerned

When we are talking about these concerns it is important to say that the projection of when the climate will be perfect for stink bug to invade Switzerland is in the next century. While that may seem far ahead into the future, we should always remember that they can wreak havoc once they reach the country.

The U.S.

Pest World. org said that the stink bug first was discovered in America back in 1996 in the state of Pennsylvania. It took no less than five years for it to be confirmed. Imagine that for five years after its discovery no one knew that they were already spreading throughout the country already!

North Carolina

During that time they had already started to migrate through the country’s eastern states. When they reached New Jersey it took them only a few years to reach Virginia. Just recently they managed to call North Carolina their home as well. This is very concerning because this is not the entirety of their movement that they have made.

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