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Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Finally, what is the secret behind NASA's photo of the smiling sun?

 Finally, what is the secret behind NASA's photo of the smiling sun?

Sometimes celestial bodies form unique shapes in space. In this, the gas and dust surrounding stars in distant galaxies form unusual and fascinating shapes with starlight. But can the sun also form unique shapes? From Earth and even up close, the Sun appears only as a ball of fire, often seen shooting out flames. Many times a solar eclipse forms a beautiful ring shape. But recently, NASA has shared a unique image of the sun, in which a black smile with black eyes is also making a beautiful sight in the yellow sun.

Smiling Sun

Astronomers of NASA have called this image like the smiling face of the sun as the smiling sun and shared it on their Twitter account. People have given various reactions on Twitter as well. Some see this sun not only smiling. Some see this smiling iceman while others look like a marshmallowman.

What are these dark spots?

All this is just a coincidence. But people are interpreting it in their own way. Even though it is not true, but the picture definitely gives a cute feel and seems to make people laugh too. NASA has said that these dark spots are actually holes in the corona and that the solar winds are rapidly exiting these areas, making it appear that no light is coming out.

In fact, this phenomenon is pareidolia, with many such patterns

It is seen and it seems that the sun is showing the face of various manifestations. Actually this image is X-ray and ultraviolet pictures in which such dark spots are visible. The corona is a region of the Sun's atmosphere that is cooler than the surrounding plasma. A plasma is a gas-like state of matter in which high energy particles cause ionization.

Sun's magnetic field

The Sun has its own magnetic field created by the movement of charged particles, and the Sun is actually composed entirely of ionized particles. Therefore, its invisible magnetic field is effective at the surface, but not in the holes of the corona.

Charged particles and plasma

Scientists determine the direction of the field from the direction of motion of all these charged particles and plasma. In coronal holes, the direction of the magnetic field does not appear to reverse and in this region the plaza moves and does not appear to pass through it. The ejected plasma produces a very fast solar wind that blows away from the Sun at speeds of up to 800 kilometers per second.

Effects on Earth

We see both good and bad effects of the solar wind on Earth. which shows a magnificent view at the poles in the form of auroras. On the other hand, they also serve to jam signals from satellites, as well as have the ability to disrupt communication networks and GPS systems. But yes, they do not cause any harm to humans on earth.

As NASA says, the International Space Station is also inside the Earth's magnetosphere, so astronauts there are also not harmed by these solar winds. Even if an astronaut is exposed to radiation, initially nothing happens to him, but gradually he starts to feel the effects of radiation, he starts showing symptoms like vomiting, fatigue, low blood count. These symptoms may persist for a few days.

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